Tennessee Valley Woodworkers

September 1995


Old Business


Phil reported that he had more plans for the bird houses for the Winchester nature trail, and that several members were working on them. The members were reminded that we were not going to get booths at the Decherd craft fair this year, so that if you wanted one you had to do it yourself.


New Business


Judy Davis made a motion that the bookcase that Bill Chew made for the club library be donated to his church in his name. Members have not made great use of the library and the church would make better use of it. The books that belong to members should be taken out, or perhaps donated to the auction at the picnic. The motion carried, and Jim will contact the church about the particulars.


The annual pig-out and the world’s funniest auction will be held on October 14th in pavilion #2 at Tim’s Ford Park starting at 5pm. We need to leave by 10pm, so we will start early. Judy rented the site for 38.15. Judy, Henry, Phil, and Mary are on the committee for the picnic, and at the September meeting we will discuss the entree and other food matters of great importance. Richard has graciously agreed to be our fearless and ferociously funny auctioneer again this year, and I hope everyone can bring something of interest to auction off. Last year’s items were quite amazing, if you remember.




The ‘Puzzle Man” was quite a program. I really love a program where I could not figure out anything that was passed around. I think it takes a special person to solve the intricate and beautiful puzzles that he showed us. I spent several hours trying to solve the ‘T’ puzzle he passed out, and I think I shocked several of my students with my language  --  good thing I was speaking Russian.


Next Meeting


The next meeting will be on September 19th at 7pm at Duck River. I hope you can make it.



Lucinda and Geoff.