TVW Newsletter


June 1995


Old business


The Paul Pitts seminar has been cancelled. I hope that we will begin to plan for an exciting seminar program this fall. July 15 the club will be featured at Falls Mill again. At the next meeting we will be asking for a count of those who will be attending. Those of you who have not paid your dues yet will not receive another newsletter. Please get your dues in!


show and tell


Jim Van Cleave bought a plant stand that he constructed for Ii is daughter. Tom Cowan brought a beautiful turned lamp and Nantucket basket made of sassafrass. Henry Davis had a new string puzzle that strained the brain cells of many of us, and a “Norm” clamp from Atlanta. Tom Gillard spoke about “Woodnet” a bulletin board for woodworkers on Internet. Bob Reese brought a jig for a radial arm saw, and Ralph Commack brought carved birds that are made of mystery wood. Emmanuel Brown proudly displayed a slatted chair that he plans to make several of. Richard Gulley made an interesting remark about “plane freaks” (plain freaks) in the club, of which we think there are several.






At the last meeting, Toni Hall, a forester from Shelbyville had a slide show and spoke about forest management and tree farming. Was I the only one who had nightmares about the huge slide of a tick? Perhaps we should start a support group. This month, Bob Reese will present “how to get the most out of your router”. I hope he calls and asks me to participate, because I can tell the story of the time I was making cookies and my electricmixer stopped working....


The next meeting will be June 20th at 7pm at Duck River Electric. See you there!