SPLINTERS                                       September 1993


A joyful welcome to the beginnings of Fall...to cool mornings and those bright sunny days. Don’t you just love the four seasons? Just as we begin to tire of one season, Mother Nature comes along to grace us with change. If Mother Nature didn’t bring us change, we’d probably become nomads seeking out the greener pastures. Another Yogism-Include me out....Murphy’s Law -if the shoe fits- Its not for sale.




Don’t forget third Tuesday falls on SEPTEMBER 21!!  We see you as usual at 7:00 . . .Duck River Electric Building in Decherd. This month our honorable Santa, Ted Baldwin, has graciously consented to discuss one of his favorite subjects...TOYS. Members and guests are welcome to join in the theme for the evening and bring any toy items for Show and Tell.




The dates are September 18Th and 19th this year. We hope to have a fine representation again this year and it is a fine opportunity to show and sell some of your work.


Here’s the way it works. The club has four spots all in a square and the cost is divided between the exhibitors. It usually works out to about $10 a person.


    If you are interested, set up will begin on Friday, September 17th after 5:00PM. Folks will be setting up tents, tarps, tables, etc.. If you have an extra tarp set up let Tom Cowan know, we may need it, or better yet bring it on Friday and help set up.




There will be much more about this later, but for now, Henry and Judy need a ball park head count to help with the planning and preparations. So please think about it and be ready to give a count at the meeting on the 21st.





There will also be more info at the meeting on this favorite event (can you smell the pork cooking now). Phil Bishop is going to help put this together and he says we need as much participation as possible. We’ll probably be in the same place as always. The date is SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2nd.




Manuel Brown started us off with a magazine rack and a testimonial on how to turn a two day project into a two week project. I got news for you, Manuel. Tom Church wrote the book on that one. Murrell Chattin had a display coffee table, out of cherry beautiful rope legs. Did you notice that the legs were turned in opposing directions? Murrell says they appear to be slanted if you don’t turn them opposite directions.


Judy Davis had a beautiful bed step for a high bed, Judy tried to give Henry some of the credit, but we know who really did all the work.  Judy also brought a puzzle box that didn’t make it around the room so many people were frying to get their hands on it.


Tyson Isbell showed a tic-tac-toe game for blind people that looked great and looks like it would make a great toy for Toys for Tots, also... Winfield Bennet was so inspired by Lucinda’s program That he managed to squeeze a little time in after work and do some chip carving. Tom Cowan had a walnut bowl from a stump, absolutely gorgeous.


Jim Roy had a rip fence attachment that he was very pleased with and I can speak with all certainty, I sure don’t know what I would do without mine. Jim also had some fine illustrations on how he put wings on his radial arm saw. If we ever write a book, well get Jim to do the illustrations.


   Richard Gulley finished the evening off with some itty bitty speedelbaum planes


Ross really arranged a fine program this time. Bill knight started us off with a lesson in coopering that he learned at Arrowmount in Gatlinburg. Bill made us all want to jump on the bus and journey there.


Next came Henry Davis with his share of the program that left our mouths as wide open as the clock he rebuilt. You just had to be there. It was hard to tell which Henry enjoyed more the challenge or the building. Doug Thomas, no relation to Seth, who actually owns clock the Henry reworked, joined in at the end of the program and showed some of his clocks from his collection..


REMINDER: The Old Stone Fort arts and Crafts festival will be on September 24th and 25Th... Phone Terry Weems 728-2355 or Phyllis Dix 728-0509.