Here we are at the fall of Fall !! Back to school; shorter days, cooler evenings and hopefully a little less rain, less grass to mow; and less garden to tend. Other “symptoms” of fall include a renewed interest in the shop and some new projects...on the other hand there is firewood to cut and all those chores that YOU promised to take care of “this summer”. Give thanks for the changing of the seasons...every Fall I say “my favorite season” ...just like Spring “my favorite season. Happy Fall Everyone!




This is one of those sneaky months where the third Tuesday falls as early as possible: The message is *** TENNESSEE VALLEY WOODWORKERS MEETING****NEXT TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 15 *** 7:00 P.M.

*** DUCK RIVER BUILDING *** Plan on attending ... we need your help in celebrating the new season. Richard Hagar has graciously consented to demonstrate his dulcimer making skills. I’m certain that if we’re our usual well behaved selves, Richard may also entertain us with a tune or two ... other accompaniment is welcome. Let’s not forget everyone’s favorite... Show and Tell. Several other important business items are on the agenda as well:

(1) Wonderful Woodworking Workshop (our Fabulous Fall Training Event). Don’t miss this one ...Bob Reese has included details on the following two pages. (2) Other meeting programs (Z.) Decherd Craft Show (4) Old Timey Day.




Jack Townsend called in to remind everyone that there is a Craft ‘Show at Falls Creek Falls State Park this weekend; Sept 12 and 13.  I received a brochure from Stone Mountain Tool Corporation in Norcross Georgia. That is just north of Atlanta. We are all invited to a “Woodwcrkers Weekend” September 19., 9:00—5:00 and September 20., 11:00—5:00. They are offering free tool and machine demos, free refreshments, and free admission; and free demonstrations by master craftsman Mark Barr. Phone (404) 446-8390 for further details.


They are also offering the following schedule of classes:

Router Jigs and Techniques Sept. 2 -- 6:30 —12:30 $33

          Build a Router Table    Oct.   3       8:30—1:30

                                                          4       Noon—5: 00       $225.

Don’t forget the open house at the Franklin County Adult Activity center on Sunday, Sept.13 2:00 to 4:00.